The True Meaning of Christmas – Week 7 – Wise men
We celebrated the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day, but the nativity story did not finish at Jesus’ birth. There is still another character depicted in the Nativity scene by…
We celebrated the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day, but the nativity story did not finish at Jesus’ birth. There is still another character depicted in the Nativity scene by…
Celebrate Jesus! Celebrate! Glory to God in the Highest and peace among those whom God is pleased – why? Because this is the message given to the shepherds, ‘Do not…
And we think we have had a rough year! Today we focus on Mary, the mother of Jesus, depicted in nativity scenes with bended knee looking adoringly at Jesus, while…
In Thomas Kinkade’s nativity, Joseph is kneeling behind the manger, peering in to look at Jesus. He has his right hand over his heart and with his left, he is…
A gallop poll in 1996 revealed the most favored Christmas Carol in North America was ‘Away in a Manger.’ You know the song and can probably sing it from memory…