Uniform Requirements

Junior Soldiers

Standard Junior Soldier uniform is required for all Junior Soldier participants:

  • White shirt/blouse with official “S” on the collar (if junior soldier)
  • Navy blue skirt/pants
  • Navy blue socks (Pantyhose are permitted for older girls)
  • Black shoes
  • Blue/black ties for boys, optional pins for girls

Senior Soldiers

  • Senior soldiers may wear senior soldier uniform in tunic or fatigues.


  • Timbrelists will be in Junior or Senior soldier uniform.


  • Uniform isn’t required.  
  • Adjudicators will be looking for clothing to be neat, modest, and not distracting. 
  • Any make-up should be appropriate to the performance piece and should be well applied. 

Drama / Monologues

  • Uniform isn’t required.
  • Soloists and groups should wear outfits or costumes that are appropriate for the chosen monologue or scene. 
  • The adjudicators will be looking for good judgment in this area. 
  • If applicable, participants are expected to provide their own scene props.  Larger props can be requested in advance – nothing will be provided ad hoc on the day!